LRT Bandar Tasik Selatan station.
A call from Sunshine quite surprised me coz he told we want to woke at 5pm suddenly his name appears on screen. Okay, LRT is not here so I quickly answered the call.
Sunshine: Sayang kat mana?
Moi: Kat library. (dem Im not a good liar. I was stumbling ok.)
Sunshine: Betul ke?
Moi: Yep.
Sunshine: Sayang sorang?
Moi: A'ah. Dorang sume dah balik... Aa.... Ayang tengah tunggu Nab. Tak sampai lagi. (fuh berpeluh gua susun ayat)
Sunshine: Betul ke kat library?
Moi: Betol! (Ya Allah janganlah dia friend finder aku.)
Sunshine: Okey... Blablablabla....
I just wait and wait till I saw the train's coming.
Moi: B, gotta go! Nab dah sampai.
Sunshine: Okay.
And so the train passed and I re-dialed. Man I'm so bad in lying and acting! I was again, stumbled.
So, I arrived at Al-Rawsha around 5.30. Yes I know its damn early like Im one of their waitress. Heh. So, as promised by Kak Hani (thank you so much for being so helpful in making the surprise perfect)
Make it short, I walk down at the alley of amor (wakakakaka!!!) and I saw him first.
Okay, I lied. We both see each other. Aisey... mmg tak berapa nak surprise la kan. So... to make it shorter, I sat besides him and we both were smiling like.... 15 minutes?
Hard to believe that moi besides you eh love for I supposed to be at bazar peringgit eh? Hihihi...
Like I mentioned, just cant be far from you love. Especially when it comes to this kind of celebration. Just love you so much haheho.