photo credit to: uuuhh... I dont know. Google?
The web: Babyprinceofsoul.
He is not as tough as James Hetfield. His music also is not in heavy metal category.......its pop. Sorta Backstreet Boys I fell in love with back then. He is indeed tall, 180cm. (yeah baby that's the EXACT height man should achieve :p )
He IS cute kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaann??? Hahaha..
Yes I know I am so outta my nerve. I does not like cute guy. I like the macho one. Ngeeeehhh!! No la.. not exactly. I fell in love with Kim Hyun Joong because of he himself. I watched several videos in youtube later conclude that Hyun Joong is such an optimist guy. Very da workaholic you! Seldom smiling, enjoy being himself all the time. And he is... MACHO. Yes. He is. To me. He is. :D Why do I love this guy? Coz he is one of the cocky - son of a gun! Yes, lots of sons have been in my list. (hetfield.J, james.B... say who?) And please let me include another okay. What special is... Hyun Joong is the first Asian actor I fell in love with after some observation in several videos. (oh, yes. several. not all. so point taken from videos I've watched. ;) )
Okay, back to the reality.
I had a chat with bff last few days.
She told: This year really is YOUR YEAR.
Okay. I was stunt. Yes. Bff was absolutely right. This year... I won the Mister Potato Contest prizes me with a sum of money (quite loads i tell you :D ) and then some prosperity from the investment and the latest was the other REMARKABLE news. Oh God! Thank you for all the things you gave me. Thanks with the prosperity. I LOVE YOU. SYUKUR YA ALLAH.
That statement, YOUR YEAR somehow remind me on how the world goes around. Its round. Once you on top once you'll take the bottom.
I told bff: I am afraid Allah would take it way more harder. I just need to remember that this would is round. And its your duty to remind me. :)
Hopefully bff or maybe (the) significant other would remind me on how the world (will) goes round. Sometimes you really up there... reach the stars you ever wanted. You become a superstar! But who knows how long you'll remain there? For the love as one, I would remind you who read this rants please do remember thy roots okay?
To Kim Hyun Joong, may you success in your career (Wallaweh! I even find space to wish him best of luck eh? Impressive.. :p ) Remember okay? Remember what? Read the rants again and please understand by yourself. Sorry if we cant have proper two way communication. Im not good in english myself. If in Malay we say, "Belasah je!" if you convert, it means... "Beat it!" Haha.. So just be it.
Cewah... I am so tingtong now. Like Hyun Joong read this. Hahahaha!!! Funny la Shikin now get on bed! I need to sleep. Seriously. Tomorrow will be hectic. 6 hours straight in class. Oh no!
Continue loving people! ;)
Love. Hugs. Kisses Kazoos.
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