My FITTERS has gained profit. From RM0.59 to RM0.66. What a progress! 3 weeks of trade in Bursa and able to gain such profit. 11% of profit. It is a VERY REMARKABLE experience to moi. I should be happy for the result. A 3 weeks of deadly-struggle to achieve everyone satisfaction is indeed not easy. But syukur Alhamdullillah I managed to do well. Well, not because of me myself but of course to the remisier and team members who support from the back, infront, left and right (now it sounds like receiving an award) Hahaha...
However, due to back-to-back (coming soon) test 2 I will be a sleepy hollow friends with the owls and some superstitious monster (hoooaaaaaa!!! get away from me!!) and whatever alive at night. Yes again I will take a good care on this eye bag to be more chubby and I will just leave it if it wants to close my eyes (damn it!)
Mrs Sunny has gone moody. Today and for the next one month. She will not be able to speak nicely and smile sincerely. Oh, and not be able to eat normally too. The food will disappear in one snap and then you may see she hibernate like a lazy Garfield...
........... how wonderful.

Look at that eye bag. You can hold a coin between the eyelid. Huh!
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